Adam Boswell
Activity overview
Latest activity by Adam Boswell-
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Interview coverage
Interview coverage What is interview coverage? Interview coverage refers to which types of interviews you’re utilizing through Clozd and which ones you may be missing. It also assesses the ext...
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Clozd features
Clozd features What are Clozd features? This section of the Clozd Scorecard provides insights into the types of features you’re using within the Clozd Platform. It shows how effectively you’re lev...
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Participation rate
Participation rate What is participation rate? Participation rate is the percentage of individuals from your contact list who provide feedback through interviews or surveys. It shows how many of y...
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Unique users by department
Unique users by department What are unique users by department? The unique users by department section of the Clozd Scorecard shows the number of unique users in your company who have accessed the...
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Platform users
Platform users What are platform users? The platform users section of the Clozd Scorecard details the total number of logins and unique users from your company in the Clozd Platform over the past ...
Adam Boswell created an article, Clozd Scorecard: Interview completion pace
Interview completion pace What is interview completion pace? Your win-loss analysis program’s interview completion pace reflects the number of published interviews completed within your contract...