Another way to collect feedback from your buyers is through surveys. Buyer Surveys allow you to capture critical win-loss feedback that complements win-loss interview data.
This article contains the following sections:
Related Article:
Introduction to Buyer Surveys
While buyer interviews are the richest source of win-loss feedback, buyer surveys are the most cost-effective way to gather win-loss feedback from a broader audience. If you have an extremely large pipeline or lots of smaller deals, we strongly recommend incorporating buyer surveys into your win-loss program to help you track high-level trends and more fully understand your pipeline.
Clozd’s Buyer Survey functionality gives buyers the opportunity to communicate why you won or lost their business in a format that aligns with win-loss interview data. In the survey, the buyer will identify factors that drove their decision and write associated comments. The Clozd Platform recognizes these as Decision Drivers and Quotes just like we track in win-loss interviews. This enables you to analyze interviews and surveys side-by-side within the Clozd Platform and gain actionable business insights.
Interviews vs Surveys
To determine the right mix of interviews and surveys for your business, consider the makeup of your sales pipeline. Companies with large deal sizes, low deal volume, and/or complex transactions should rely more heavily on interviews. In contrast, companies with small deal sizes, high deal volume, and/or simpler transactions can rely more heavily on surveys. In these latter cases, surveys are more cost-effective, provide sufficient depth of insight, and enable broader pipeline coverage.
Getting Started
Survey participants will receive an email from Clozd inviting them to complete a short survey. The survey includes the following questions:
- What was the outcome of your evaluation?
- Who was the primary competitor for this opportunity?
If the deal was a win, they will see the following follow up questions:
- Why did [organization] win your business?
- What did [organization] do poorly?
Similarly, losses will be shown these two questions:
- Why did [organization] lose your business?
- What did [organization] do well?
Decision drivers and competitors included in the survey dropdown will match the decision drivers and competitors you have configured within the Clozd Platform to create uniform data points.
Buyer Survey Preview:
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set up buyer surveys?
See Configuration: Buyer Surveys
What participation rate can I expect to receive on Buyer Surveys?
While participation will vary based on the persona of your buyers, most companies can expect a 2-4% survey completion rate.
Do we incentivize survey participation?
By default, we don't incentivize survey responses but if participation rates are low, we have the ability to add incentives.
Can I survey multiple contacts for the same opportunity?
Yes. We can survey multiple buyers for the same sales opportunity. We can also interview the decision-maker and survey other stakeholders who may also have relevant insight.
For questions about the fit of Buyer Surveys your Clozd Win-Loss Program, please contact your Clozd Consultant.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to
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